
19 Views · 2 years ago

It’s hard to put into words how it feels when you surround yourself with the right group of people. When you find your community. Your tribe. A few weeks ago, we held our annual Vegan Superhero Retreat for clients of our Vegan Superhero Academy coaching program. It was an action packed week in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania filled with laughter, smiles, and life lasting memories. And wow. It was a truly life-changing experience, and one that we invite you to experience for yourself...

Let’s work together to inspire change, spread compassion, and challenge the status quo.#vegan#vegancommunity #veganretreat#vegans

27 Views · 2 years ago

In this video I will talk about the biggest intentional communities in the world. These are eco villages that are open for you to visit or learn more about if you're interested in the eco village movement. I highly recommend that you watch this video and do your own research about global eco villages before planning your visit or stay at one. You can also visit GEN - Global eco village network - to find other, smaller intentional communities or eco villages close to you.