
42 Views · 2 years ago

Time for another review of a Vegan product by me, an omnivore. This time, Babybel Plant-Based Alternative to Cheese.

33 Views · 2 years ago

AS REQUESTED Here is an example of what my Plant-Based children eat. This is a typical lunch or dinner. It varies.

18 Views · 2 years ago

It's Episode 2 of "What My Vegan Baby Eats in A Day" - here's what's on the menu 😋

This is what a full day of eating looks like for a #plantbased #vegan baby.

AGE: 13 months old
✨Breakfast: Barbecue tofu scramble, chia peach pudding, banana
✨ Morning snack: Strawberry kiwi smoothie (and we add a liquid multi-vitamin with iron, b12, etc to it)
✨ Lunch: Corn + potato chowder, cumin lime avocado slices
✨ Afternoon snack: Mango smoothie
✨ Dinner: Refried red + black beans, garlic broccoli, pasta
✨ Evening snack: half a cup plant-based milk for kids
✨ Beverage: Water 3x a day
✨ Breastfeeding: 4x a day

What's great about Beyond's meals is they are great menu ideas even for adults, especially those who are new to plant-based eating or vegan lifestyles!

Did this give you any #veganfood ideas?

31 Views · 2 years ago

Max recently turned one year old, and we thought we'd compile our journey over the past 6 months, introducing him to solid foods on a plant-based diet. From purees, to smoothies, to baby led weaning, we've tried it all! Hopefully you will find this video both fun and informative, and a good jumping off point to continue to do your own research. This is just our experience, and we are not experts, so be sure to educate yourself and consult your healthcare practitioner if you're a parent introducing your child to solid foods!

24 Views · 2 years ago

So due to recent events many of you have been asking me about the suitability of vegan diets for babies. In this video we take a look at some of the evidence.

33 Views · 2 years ago

So many people have asked what I feed Baby J to keep her thriving! As she continues to grow (and get more teeth) I'm sure the amount and variety of foods and textures she eats will grow. Here's what has worked for us.

Speak to your pediatrician before introducing foods to your baby, or if you have any concerns about your baby's diet or health. I'm not an expert in nutrition or children. I'm just another mom sharing what keeps my baby and my family healthy and happy 😄

34 Views · 2 years ago

Find out what it's like to grow up vegan/be raised vegan since birth, and hear me address 3 commonly asked questions I get as a now adult women.
Sarina Farb talks about growing up vegan

NEW: Russian subtitles are available on this video! Thanks to Anna Polikarpova and Marta Yuntseva for the translation :)

65 Views · 2 years ago

Should vegan parents feed their babies milk, eggs, fish, and shellfish to reduce the risk for food allergies?

0:00 Intro
0:36 The Stats
1:41 Early Exposure
3:02 What Do Vegan Dietitians Do?
5:11 What We Did
8:14 Allergen Oatmeal?
8:50 Offsetting
9:30 The Future is (almost) Here!
11:41 Outro

25 Views · 2 years ago

★ Thank you to Else Nutrition for nourishing our kiddo & for contributing to EatMoveRest to make this video possible!

We all know how hit or miss meal time with a toddler can be. One minute they love something and devour everything sight, and the next minute they won't touch a thing! We're sharing what our 3 year old, Max, eats in a day. Look forward to lots of delicious and kid-friendly recipes--smoothies, Carrot Cake Oatmeal, Mexican Tortilla Fold Ups, PB&J Banana Roll-Ups, and a tasty veggie-loaded curry for dinner! PLUS, watch as baby Liv takes her first bite of solids at 6 months old!

20 Views · 2 years ago

Medical Disclaimer:
The content in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

In this episode of Abbey’s Kitchen , Abbey is reviewing one of Ellen Fisher’s What I Eat in a Day video, featuring her family. Let’s take a deeper look at their lifestyle and what they typically eat in a day.

Okay, right off the bat, super adorable kids. Also great that her kids participate in the kitchen. BUT, Abbey’s not a fan of big quantities of juice for children. When juicing, you’re losing out on a bunch of fibre, and it’s best to keep your kid’s juice intake to 1/4 cup a day.

Abbey recommends you use the pulp to add to yogurt, oats or dehydrate it and turn it into fruit leather.

Yes avocados are a great source of healthy fats especially for a growing babe, but I would add some variety of the meal and not just serve up fruit with it. Ideally some source of iron like pulses.

Side note, looks like Ellen is just having papaya fo breakfast which is a whole lot of fruit and would love to see some protein. But Abbey loves how independent Sandy is and how Ellen lets Sandy discover the food on their own.

Abbey is loving that they’re still breastfeeding! Abbey is still worried about the lack of iron in the meal so far.

Looks like lunch is a smoothie, and Abbey wished she wasn’t seeing so many liquid foods. Abbey likes seeing the hemp heart and spiriluna. But looks like Sandy is enjoying more whole pieces of food.

Abbey would like to see some more variety in the fats Ellen is offering Sandy and not much variety in texture. Abbey is not a fan of the addition of sprouts, because sprouts are made in a warm environment and theres a higher risk of food borne illnesses. So cooking them instead of raw is better.

Let’s look at Sandy’s nutrition. It looks like Sandy is meeting his needs but is far from balanced.

Abbey is hoping the family is supplementing vitamin B12.
Abbey wants to see some more iron, because it looks like Sandy is getting around 1mg of iron and it’s recommended to get 7mg. Abbey would have liked to see more zinc foods. Finally, Abbey would have liked to see some more vitamin D rich foods.

Abbey is no way wants to shame another mother and their family but when Abbey sees a YouTuber sharing their life and recommending what to feed their babies, Abbey has to put on her research hat. Feeding a baby a vegan diet can be done. It just needs to be followed carefully, ensuring all the vitamins and minerals are accounted for. It’s important we focus on feeding our kids a nice variety of foods and texture.

If you want to feed your baby a vegan diet, make sure you’re speaking with a Registered Dietitian. You want to make sure you are getting the right information from a trusted professional and not a vegan YouTuber.

If you liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up! Leave me a comment below on what other YouTubers What I Eat In a Day you want me to review. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time on Abbey’s Kitchen!

10 Views · 2 years ago

Hey, it's Mayim, and I am successfully raising two happy, healthy, vegan children. Yes, it's possible, but I definitely get asked a lot of questions from non-vegan folks about how and why it's done. If you have questions, or if you're curious how you can start raising a vegan family as well, check out this video!

You may know me as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory, or from Blossom, but hopefully, these videos allow you to get to know me better as Mayim, too! Subscribe to my channel for video updates. I upload new videos every Thursday!

About Mayim Bialik:
You ​might know me as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or from Blossom​ but there are so many other parts of me that you might not be aware of​!​​ I’m trained ​as a​ neuroscientist, ​I'm ​a passionate activist, an observant Jew, a​ perfectly imperfect​ mother, and ​I'm a complicated human being​ like many of you​. This is the place where I wear ​all of those hats - and none of them have a flower on them! ;)

4 Views · 2 years ago

A UK mother got a lot of criticism online after sharing she is raising her 7-month-old baby on a vegan diet. Some opposed to her decision have gone as far as to suggest CPS be called! Dr. Anthony Porto, author of “Pediatrician’s Guide to Feeding Babies and Toddlers,” weighs in on the trend of parents raising their babies vegan, and whether or not it’s safe.

About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show in its 14th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.

15 Views · 2 years ago

What My Vegan Baby Eats in A Day! 😋

Here's what what a full day of eating looks like for a plant-based vegan baby.

(9-12 months old)
✨Breakfast: Tofu scramble, chia pudding, blackberries
✨ Morning snack: Strawberry kiwi smoothie (and we add a liquid multi-vitamin with iron, b12, D3, etc to it)
✨ Lunch: Plantain, mixed veggies, pasta, black beans + red bell pepper
✨ Afternoon snack: Chickpea "Not Tuna" Salad + crackers
✨ Dinner: Oatmeal, steamed garlic broccoli, Caribbean style kidney beans
✨ Beverage: Water 3x a day
✨ Breastfeeding: 4x a day

15 Views · 2 years ago

Sarah-Jane Honeywell, Jess Pourasghar and Dr Hilary Jones join the panel to debate if you should raise your baby vegan. Sarah-Jane Honeywell wants to let her kids make their own choices whereas Jess Pourasghar is currently raising an 11 month old vegan.
Broadcast on 07/03/19

The Good Morning Britain YouTube channel delivers you the news that you’re waking up to in the morning. From exclusive interviews with some of the biggest names in politics and showbiz to heartwarming human interest stories and unmissable watch again moments.

7 Views · 2 years ago

I’m so happy to discover that feeding my vegan baby isn’t that difficult. I actually have had a lot of fun cooking for her these last few months. Now that she’s up to 3 meals a day I’ve been making her lots of steamed vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruit, and sometimes I’ll give her the food I’m eating (even though it’s made with spices). I even mix in small amounts of allergens like nut butter or almond flour to help prevent a future allergy.


3 Views · 2 years ago

Now that Max is just over one year old, we are really beginning to get the hang of things when it comes to mealtime. We primarily use the baby led weaning approach, allowing Max to feed himself and enjoy our meals alongside us, but he also enjoy smoothies and spoon-feeding too! Whatever method you use, the important thing is to get Baby fed!

As a breastfed, plant-based baby, Max enjoys a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, and healthy fats! On days when we don't have anywhere to be, I love to spend extra quality time with my little man, and it's been such a joy and a rewarding experience getting to figure out how to nourish his growing body! I hope these meals give you inspiration and helpful ideas for feeding your little ones!

#babyledweaning #plantbased #veganbaby

2 Views · 2 years ago

Here's an example of what my 10 months old vegan baby and I eat in a day. I hope you enjoyed🌹

Hey there! Welcome to my Channel! I'm Fabiola and I'm a young mom currently based in Chicago. This Channel is all about sharing my journey to spread awareness of the plant-based lifestyle.

6 Views · 2 years ago

Raising a vegan child can present challenges, particularly in social settings. Your child, no doubt will be presented with non-vegan foods outside of your home. And what if you child wants to try non-vegan foods? In this podcast episode, we sit down with nurse practitioner and mom, Gretchen Housel to discuss how she chooses to handle the challenges in raising her son vegan.

6 Views · 2 years ago

What my vegan baby and i ate today + day in the life 💕