How-to & Style

34 Views · 2 years ago

In this video I will explain how to transition from vegetarian to vegan diet and lifestyle. Please comment down below with your thoughts. Thanks for watching!

Queso Dip Recipe:

1 and 1/2 cups raw cashews
3 tbl nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 cup hot water

Put all in the Vitamix and blend on high for a few minutes until steaming and creamy :)

“Mozarella” Recipe
1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked &
1 & 1/4 cup water
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup tapioca flour
1& 1/2 tbl nutritional yeast
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic salt

Add soaked cashews, water, lemon juice, tapioca starch/flour, nutritional yeast, salt, garlic salt, & jalapeño to a Vitamix. Blend on high for 1 - 2 minutes.
Pour cheese into a small sauce pan, on medium high heat & stir with a wooden spoon constantly for 2 - 4 minutes. The key to this cheese staying smooth & not lumpy is the stirring, so make sure it gets your full attention. As it thickens you will need to scrape the sides, after 2 - 4 minutes, turn down to a low heat & continue to stir until it looks like a very melted cheesy consistency. Its ok to turn off the heat while it still looks a little liquidy, as it will firm up on its own.

21 Views · 2 years ago

About Goodful:
Feel better, be better, and do better. Subscribe to Goodful for all your healthy self care needs, from food to fitness and everything in between!

54 Views · 2 years ago

In today's video, we're talking about some of my best tips for NATURALLY slimming down on a plant-based diet! If weight loss is a goal of yours and you want to follow a plant-based diet, this video is for you!

23 Views · 2 years ago

Welcome to what I eat in a day as a NEW vegan AKA someone who is going vegan for one week!!

Lotsa plant based, healthy, easy & yummy recipes!

21 Views · 2 years ago

Jay Shetty explains how turning vegan changed his life. He further discusses how does it show positive benefits in the long term as well. Jay Shetty is a British author, former monk, life coach, and one of the most influential motivational speakers on social media today. Also a host of the number one health podcast worldwide ‘On Purpose with Jay Shetty’, Jay recently became an author and published, ‘Think Like A Monk’ which went on to become a best seller.
#JayShetty #vegan

About :
TheRanveerShow Clips is a collection of SHORT CLIPS from #TheRanveerShow podcast. The Ranveer Show by Ranveer Allahbadia has grown to become India's biggest and smartest English Podcast on audio platforms. Hope you enjoy our latest knowledge fueled videos from the BeerBiceps team.

31 Views · 2 years ago

Hi beautiful people!!

Here's a short video explaining how a calorie deficit works and why it's so vital for your weight loss. You don't need to know how many calories you're eating or count and track on an app, BUT you do need to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat.

33 Views · 2 years ago

I’ve been on a low fat plant based diet for 180 days. Being a diabetic, I’ve seen major changes in my insulin sensitivity after switching from a low carb diet to a healthy high carb vegan diet. I cover what exactly I eat in a day as a type 1 diabetic, how I prepare my meals in a blood sugar friendly way, how my blood glucose reacted, and how my insulin needs changed during and after this transition.

If you are looking for a healthy sustainable diabetes diet this video might inspire you as I share my experience in a whole lot of detail with focus on diabetes and blood sugar management.


20 Views · 2 years ago

Benefits of being a vegetarian. A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meant of any kind. No fish, no beef, no pork, nada. However this person may eat some animal products like honey, or eggs. A person can be a vegetarian for a number of reasons, moral, religious, or plain old dietary restrictions. Whether or not you’re a veggie, there are some benefits to this lifestyle, which we’ll explain coming up in this video!

#VeganFood #VegetarianDiet #Bestie

Intro - 0:00
Vegans (total vegetarians): - 02:20
Lacto-ovo vegetarians: - 02:31
Lacto vegetarians: - 02:38
Ovo vegetarians: - 02:45
Partial vegetarians: - 02:52

Vegans (total vegetarians): Do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or any products derived from
animals, including eggs, dairy products, and gelatin.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians: Do not eat meat, poultry, or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy products.
Lacto vegetarians: Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or eggs, but do consume dairy products.
Ovo vegetarians: Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or dairy products, but do eat eggs.
Partial vegetarians: Avoid meat but may eat fish (pescatarian) or poultry (pollo-vegetarian).
Sometimes people start off with becoming partial vegetarians, and then working your way up to full veggie, or vegan. LIke we said before, pick the one that works best for you and your personal choices.
Now, on to some great benefits of becoming a vegetarian.
1 - It’s just better for you: The fact that you’re choosing foods that are automatically less processed, and contain fewer chemicals means you’re being kinder to your body. We’re told from a very young age to eat our veggies, and by introducing them more into your diet, you’ll be giving you whole system the rush of vitamins and minerals it craves.

2 - Lowers your Cholesterol. Cholesterol only comes from consuming animal products, and some dairy. If you’re not eating any meat or full fat dairy products then you’re cutting out your cholesterol intake completely. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL says having lower cholesterol has been shown to give you a longer life, and can reduce the risk of many chronic illnesses.

3 - Reduces the risk of diabetes. Because you’ll be eating things that are more natural, and less processed (like hot dogs) you’re likely to have lower blood sugar, reducing your risk of diabetes. Keep in mind, regular exercise is really important as well, but a plant-based diet can really make a difference.

4 - A healthy glow. Normally when people say you’re glowing it’s in reference to pregnancy. However, a vegetarian diet can help your skin appear more hydrated. Things like raw veggies that are water based will naturally put more water into your system. Also vegetables are packed with antioxidants that help fight off disease. The healthier you are inside, the more it’ll show on the outside.

5 - It’s good for your gut. You’ve probably heard the phrase “add more fiber” before. That’s because fiber keeps us regular, and is necessary for proper digestive health. Guess what has lots of fiber? Seeds! According to HEALTH LINE Chia seeds are one of the best sources of fiber on the planet! They also contain magnesium, phosphorus and calcium for an added benefit. Popcorn is also a great source of fiber. Not the stuff you buy at the movies, unfortunately that treat is usually dripping with butter and salt. We mean the kind you make at home, free of any extras. It’s a wonderful, quick and easy snack for a veggie.

15 Views · 2 years ago

This video defines veganism and explores the benefits and pitfalls of following a vegan diet. This video explores the effectiveness of vegan diet and the related health results. We also interview a vegan, Aïda Retta, of the Vegans of UBC club in order to get their first-hand experience of following the vegan diet and to dispel any myths associated with veganism.

This video was created by McMaster University students Najih Shabir, Viraj Sharma, Gabrielle Retta, and Abanoob Tawadrous in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program.

17 Views · 2 years ago

How to Go Vegan on a BUDGET at Walmart 👀🤑

Stay AWAY from processed foods.

The reason they’re so expensive is because you’re buying for convenience.

It’s pre-made, and all you have to do is heat it up.

To minimize your price, focus on whole foods. Things like:

👀 Black beans:

It’s only $2.57 and is rich in amino acids and protein.

👀 Brown rice:

This whole bag is $7.12 and has amino acids to help build lean muscle. It also has healthy carbs and fiber to help your gut health, too.

👀 Extra firm tofu:

This is a GREAT source of protein and per block it’s only $2.48.

👀 Tempeh is also a great option:

These are fermented beans and are $3.20. They’re extremely rich in protein with about 40-70 grams.

If you want more tips like this make sure you follow for more!

7 Views · 2 years ago

Hey Gentlemen & Ladies, It's BENBROS.
The title of this video is "How to be a Vegan (ft. Nikocado)".
Today, we are going to learn how to become a vegan. For this lesson, we invited a vegan teacher.
* It is just a meme. Not an actual tutorial video. hope you enjoy."

#howtobe #meme #nikocado

11 Views · 2 years ago

Where do vegans get their protein from? Where do vegans get their B12 from? Do vegans just eat grass? - is what most people say about vegans!

Well, today’s video is all about staying healthy as a vegan and proving those people wrong! As most of you are probably aware, being vegan is extremely healthy and you can get all your proteins and vitamins from just plants!

Need to brush up on some facts about how you stay healthy as a vegan or curious about going vegan, then this video is for you!

Let us know down below on any tips you have!

#vegan #bosh #veganmainstream

5 Views · 2 years ago

A beginner's guide to going vegetarian // easy tips for how to become vegetarian.

Since learning that I am vegetarian, a lot of you have been asking for videos on how to become vegetarian, protein for vegetarians, eating out as a vegetarian, etc. So I thought I would create a little vegetarian beginner’s guide to give you the vegetarianism basics!
I'm going to address all of the above questions + talk about what being vegetarian means, the different steps to becoming vegetarian, how to find vegetarian recipes, vegetarian pantry essentials, as well as common mistakes new vegetarians make!
Hopefully you found this beginner's guide to vegetarianism helpful!
↠ Don't forget to like this video and subscribe!

All information posted is for educational and informational purposes ONLY. While I am a nutritionist with a master’s degree in biology specialized in nutrition and health, I am NOT a doctor or dietician. I'm just stating my informed opinion, and these videos are NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Any decision to act upon the advice given in these videos is done at your own risk.

5 Views · 2 years ago

From boosting our health to helping the environment, there are so many reasons to choose a vegan diet! Dr. Neal Barnard shares his top 21 reasons to go vegan in 2021.

About Us:
The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

5 Views · 2 years ago

Today I show you how to make a delicious Vegan curry. You won't believe it's vegan! It tastes & looks identical to meat, except there are no traces of meat in this curry whatsoever. Thinking of becoming vegan? Try this recipe out! You won't regret it. Enjoy!

1 Cup - Basmati Rice
Pinch of Salt
2 Onions
2 Clove Garlic
1/2 Lime
1 tbsp Curry paste
1 Cup Chickpeas
1 Bell pepper
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tomatoes
1 Cup Basil leaves
1 Cup Mushrooms
250g Tofu
2 Can Coconut Milk
Chilli Powder

Know someone that's vegan or is thinking of turning vegan? Link this delicious recipe to them!

6 Views · 2 years ago

Today I show you how to make a delicious vegan lasagna. This lasagna is 100% vegan. There are no traces of any animal products in this recipe. Think vegan food isn't tasty? Think again. You won't believe it's vegan! It tastes and looks identical to a normal lasagna. This is by far the best vegan lasagna you will ever taste. Enjoy!

Know someone that's vegan? Share this delicious recipe with them!

27 Views · 2 years ago

Thirty days of going vegan is in the books and I have to say this one was a bit more difficult than keto for me as it took me out of my comfort zone. This Vegan 30 day challenge certainly surprised me in several ways and at the end of the day, I think it is a reasonable diet to follow as long as it's planned adequately.

If you have an idea of something you want me to cover in depth, please let me know because I take your requests seriously. We will be back with more Doctor Reacts Series & Responding to Comments so please submit more names of shows/episodes & questions you'd like for me to watch. Love you all!

- Doctor Mike Varshavski

#vegan #30daychallenge

3 Views · 2 years ago

A beginner's guide to going vegan, in 5 simple steps.

8 Views · 2 years ago

Thinking about skipping out on meat and dairy? Going vegan is becoming increasingly more common, but is it actually good for you?

What happens to your body when you go vegan?

Thinking of making the jump to a vegan diet? You’re not alone.

In your first few weeks, you may feel especially tired. Without meat, vegans often have a hard time getting enough vitamin B12 and iron, which helps make red blood cells and transport oxygen throughout the body. But it’s nothing a supplement or handful of nuts can’t fix.

You may also discover that foods don’t taste the way they used to. That’s because your zinc levels have taken a hit, affecting your overall sense of taste and smell.

On the plus side, expect to lose some weight right away! After switching, new vegans lost an average of 10 pounds over a 10 month period. Plus, a 2009 study found that average BMI was lower for vegans than all other diets.

Another benefit that you may experience is a healthy decrease in cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease risk. In 1999, a study showed that vegans were 24% less likely to have clogged arteries from saturated fat and cholesterol.

While your arteries are better off, your bones may not be. If you’re like most Americans who get their daily calcium from dairy products, you may see a dip in calcium levels.

But you can combat this simply by boosting your intake of kale, broccoli, and other leafy greens. Plus, cutting out dairy might make you more … regular. 60% of humans don’t have the enzyme to properly digest lactose in dairy. The result is cramping, bloating, and even diarrhea. Swapping dairy with high fiber veggies will make bathroom trips a lot more productive.

Like any diet, veganism has its pros and cons. Be sure to research and see which diet is best for you.


#Vegan #Veganism #TechInsider

Here's What Happens To Your Brain And Body When You Go Vegan | The Human Body

5 Views · 2 years ago

So you want to learn how to become vegan? But you don't know where to start or how it might affect your body? Well, check this video to get all your answers!

This video was made by McMaster Demystifying Medicine students: Kesidha Raajakesary, Araniya Selvarajah, Bilaal Rasool and Eden Rait.