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41 Views · 2 years ago

This is my comprehensive review of travelling Hong Kong and India, including Varansi, Agra, Jaipur, Delhi and Goa in January/February 2018. I am sharing some general tips about travelling India as well as specific tips of travelling as a vegan. India definetly is a paradise for vegetarians and vegans alike! We explored many different places, including the Ganges in Varanasi, the Tah Mahal, the Pink City and Palace of the Winds in Jaipur, the Nahargarh Fort, Sunset Temple and beautiful beaches in South Goa. We also attended the indian wedding ceremony of two friends and it was a lot of fun! Like this whole trip! Hope you enjoy it!

41 Views · 2 years ago

Vegan traveler Shae highlights the vegan food she discovered around the island of Phuket, Thailand.

41 Views · 2 years ago

Want to know how to improve your vegan cooking skills instantly? In this video, I give you 3 tips to do just that, without oil or salt. I go over some oil free and salt free vegan cooking tips that will really bring your dish to the next level. By the end of this video, you should know how to cook vegan meals and vegan recipes that will stand out from the crowd.
#vegancooking #veganism #veganmealprep

41 Views · 2 years ago

Here is my third page for the 52 Weeks of Vegan Art Challenge. The third challenge was "Vegan Shoes." I hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching. Cheers, Ginny :o)

41 Views · 2 years ago

Hiii my loves! Here's another what I eat in a day as a fully raw vegan & my current fitness routine. Working out regularly, meditating and practicing yoga have truly transformed my overall health! I hope this video inspires you eat more raw foods, move your body and become the best version of yourself.

Sending you lots of love,
— Ash ♡

* 1/2 cup raw balsamic vinegar
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp pepper
* 1 tsp garlic powder
* 1/2 tsp onion powder
* 1/2 tbsp raw blue agave nectar
* 2 tbsp olive oil (optional)

#rawvegan #rawveganwhatieatinaday #vegan #rawvegandiet #rawveganlifestyle #rawfood #fullyraw #fullyrawvegan #bloomingraw #rawfooddiet #veganwhatieatinaday #vegan #whatieatinaday #rawveganrecipes #rawveganfood

41 Views · 2 years ago

I decided to try out a new camera on my last outing and thought this would be a simple but fun experiment, I had to cut some shots and the camera is going back as I prefer my old one so this is just a little extra vid from the experiment. In case anyone was wondering my old camera is a Canon Eos M3 and I tried out the Sony ZV-1 here which was just unsuitable for what I do and how I do it.

40 Views · 2 years ago

If you enjoy our videos, please LIKE & SHARE them with your family and friends, and SUBSCRIBE for more!

40 Views · 2 years ago

In this video I share what I meal prepped for our 8 our road trip while still eating healthfully and vegan. It was very easy to prepare and I hope this gives you ideas for your travels!

❊ - Where I Shop - ❊
I buy most of my shelf stable items from Thrive Market and iHerb. This isn’t sponsored, just wanted to share these to help you save some $$ ❤️

This video is NOT sponsored. However, this video may contain affiliate links, thank you for supporting Sweet Simple Vegan!

39 Views · 2 years ago

20-minute vegan meals that don't sacrifice on flavor! Thank you to ALDI for sponsoring this video! Be sure to visit your local ALDI for unbeatable prices on so many plant-based groceries.

39 Views · 2 years ago

This month (actually last 12 weeks!) I've transitioned my diet to 100% vegan to see how I would feel and how it would affect my gym and overall health. Overall I'm excited to say the results have been fantastic and I'm definitely going to be continuing to be vegan.

If you are interested in trying veganism for health, ethical & environmental reasons I highly encourage it!

39 Views · 2 years ago

Panelists: Arielle Crawford, Gene Baur, Jodi Monelle & Liz Dee

From the earth’s tallest peaks to the ocean floor, no part of the world is spared of climate change. Right now we are facing a disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years - climate change. In an effort to inspire change, we sat down with experts who have built sustainable organizations and are making revolutionary efforts to combat climate change by doing everyday activities in a more sustainable way. Collectively, we can make a world of difference.

About the Panelists:

Arielle Crawford -- is the founder and designer of ARIELLE, a sustainable apparel label committed to regenerative materials, fair-trade labor, supply chain integrity and consumer education. Her clean and timeless aesthetic encourages a “less, but better” approach to fashion, reflecting both legacy craftsmanship and modern versatility. She draws upon her resourceful upbringing in West Texas, her experience in the NYC fashion industry, her studies with indigenous communities in South America, and low-footprint living for the
inspiration of her mission-driven brand.

Gene Baur -- has been hailed as “the conscience of the food movement” by Time magazine. Since the mid-1980s, he has traveled extensively, campaigning to raise awareness about factory farming and the urgent need to fix our broken food system. His most important achievements include winning the first-ever cruelty conviction at a U.S. stockyard and introducing the first U.S. laws to prohibit cruel farming confinement methods in Florida, Arizona, and California. His efforts have been covered by top news organizations, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal. Gene has published two bestsellers, Farm Sanctuary: "Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food" and Living the Farm Sanctuary Life (Rodale, 2015), which he co-authored with Forks Over Knives author Gene Stone. He was recently named one of Oprah Winfrey’s SuperSoul 100 Givers.

Jodi Monelle -- is the founder and CEO of global plant-based media company, LIVEKINDLY. With the highest engagement rate of any plant-based media publisher, LIVEKINDLY is focused on empowering people to make positive changes - big or small - in their own lives, and to show how daily actions make a difference in the world.

Liz Dee -- is Co-President of Smarties Candy Company, makers of Smarties candy rolls. She is CEO of Baleine & Bjorn Capital, a venture capital fund that invests in businesses creating solutions to outdated animal products, and founder of Vegan Ladyboss, a global community of organized, connected and empowered vegan women.

Moderated by Deepika Phakke.

39 Views · 2 years ago

You like first learn how to make pancakes, and then wonder why they aren't fluffy like at a restaurant. Stop wondering, and let's show you how.

Today is Episode 2 of our series "How To Plant Based" and we're showing you how to make fluffy vegan pancakes perfectly every single time.

This recipe uses mostly pantry staple ingredients so you will love this recipe and how easy it is even more!


00:00 How to Make Fluffy Vegan Pancakes
00:25 How to Make Vegan Buttermilk
00:48 How to Make a Flax Egg
1:13 How to Measure Flour
1:30 Baking Powder Purpose for Fluffy Pancakes
2:16 How to Easily Add Dry Ingredients to Wet
2:25 Most Important Step in Making Fluffy Vegan Pancakes
2:45 Why you should let your pancake batter set before using
2:58 What temperature should you cook pancakes on
3:30 How long to cook pancakes

#VeganPancakes #HowToMakePancakes

38 Views · 2 years ago

Avoiding high-emission foods can have a bigger climate impact than any other consumption change.

Our consumption habits emit billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Our diets account for one-fourth of those emissions.

The food we eat emits so many greenhouse emissions because of the land it takes to grow it, but it also has something to do with biology. This video explains why the production of some foods emit more than others, and which foods to avoid to be a more climate-conscious consumer.

38 Views · 2 years ago


If you are looking for vegan hoodies designed for fashion-savvy men, check out the impressive selection of men’s clothing online presented by VEGAN Happy Clothing and make a difference.

37 Views · 2 years ago

Introduction to a Vegan Diet For Muscle Building (0:54)

Before we look at the exact foods for a vegan muscle building diet, it’s important that you also make sure that you’re on the right muscle building training program to see the best muscle gains. So in this section, we’re going to give you some of the basics of a muscle-building training program.

How to Set Your Muscle Building Protein Target (2:26)

Whether you’re eating a plant-based meal plan or not, the first focus for a bodybuilding diet is to lock in your protein target. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle gains, and we recommend getting around 0.8g-1g of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. From this target, it will be much easier to work in your protein foods for the day, along with your carbs and fats. And this is especially important for a vegan bodybuilding diet as protein sources are a little more scarce.

How Many Meals To Eat Each Day (3:24)

As with any diet, there are a variety of ways that we can approach scheduling out your meals for the day, in terms of both timing and amount. As long as you’re hitting both your protein and calorie targets for the day, it really comes down to what is going to the most convenient for your schedule. As you’ll discover in this video, for a vegan muscle building diet, we recommend eating around 4 meals per day so you can spread out your protein intake.

Calorie Target for a Vegan Bodybuilding Diet (4:11)

Another important consideration for your vegan bodybuilding diet is, of course, determining your daily caloric intake. Because if you’re underrating, your muscle gains will suffer, and in this video, we will help you determine your daily calorie target for building muscle.

Meals for a Vegan Bodybuilding Diet (5:17)

Again, there’s a fair amount of variety here based upon your daily schedule, but to help get you started, we lay out a basic vegan meal based around the 4 meal setup that we discussed previously. In this section of the video, you’ll also discover some of the best vegan foods for a bodybuilding diet.

FAQ’s- Vegan Bodybuilding Diet (8:09)

In this section, you’ll discover answers to some of the most common questions and concerns when it comes to a vegan muscle building diet. You’ll discover whether or not the proteins from a vegan diet are equivalent to an omnivorous diet, how to supplement your nutrition with some of the key muscle-building nutrients that you might be missing out on, and whether or not soy will negatively impact your testosterone levels and muscle gains.

The 7 Steps to Build Muscle On A Vegan Diet

STEP #1 Progressive Overload Training (12:41)

STEP #2 Maximize Recovery (18:30)

STEP #3 Nutrition for Fast Muscle Building (20:41)

STEP #4 Proper Supplementation (24:18)

STEP #5 Progress Tracking (27:07)

STEP #6 Vary Your Routine (29:08)

STEP #7 Expectation Setting (30:37)

36 Views · 2 years ago

Food lovers Steven Lim and Andrew, along with their cameraman Adam, embark on the ultimate food adventure in BuzzFeed’s hit series, Worth It, trying delicious foods at three price points: affordable, middle tier, and luxury. At the end of the episode, the gang decides which item is the most “worth it” at its given price.

SFX Provided By AudioBlocks

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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Creole Kings
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Social Clubbin'_FullMix
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House Of Glass_fullmix
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Little Sins_No Vocals
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You And The Moon_Instrumental
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Enigmatic Smile
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Monkey Funk_Main
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Savoir Faire_Main
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Get The Funny Thief_fullmix
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Bikini Bambini_FullMix
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Canzonetta (1)
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36 Views · 2 years ago

Nimai Delgado is a vegan IFBB Professional Bodybuilder who has never eaten meat in his entire life. Not one bite. In this excerpt from our podcast he explains how he meets his protein needs.

💪🏽🌱 - Rich

36 Views · 2 years ago

Recently I have been receiving a lot of questions about pets. Should vegans have them? Should anyone own anyone else, human or not? Are you a hypocrite if you have pets but also fight for animal liberation?

I may be slightly biased as someone who shares my home with two wonderful adopted cats, but I'm going to jump into this question all the same.

What are your thoughts on vegans (or anyone for that matter) having pets/companion animals? Let me know in the comments below!

36 Views · 2 years ago

Find out what it's like to grow up vegan/be raised vegan since birth, and hear me address 3 commonly asked questions I get as a now adult women.
Sarina Farb talks about growing up vegan

NEW: Russian subtitles are available on this video! Thanks to Anna Polikarpova and Marta Yuntseva for the translation :)

36 Views · 2 years ago

So many people have asked what I feed Baby J to keep her thriving! As she continues to grow (and get more teeth) I'm sure the amount and variety of foods and textures she eats will grow. Here's what has worked for us.

Speak to your pediatrician before introducing foods to your baby, or if you have any concerns about your baby's diet or health. I'm not an expert in nutrition or children. I'm just another mom sharing what keeps my baby and my family healthy and happy 😄

Showing 3 out of 19